Sorry about the final hour post, but here are the last few. And then, go vote, people!
Prop 1: VOTE NO
This is that monorail, from that song, in that musical, that I can't remember the name. So it would build an electric train from San Francisco to LA. It would only take a few hours to get back and forth and would not harm the environment as planes and regular trains do. But it costs billions of dollars, only about a tenth of which would be covered by bonds. Didn't Gov. Arnie say we have some sort of state budget deficit? And unlike years ago, the governor isn't blaming it on immigrants but we have a deficit no less and this thing is hella bucks. And it would take ten years to break even. So nevermind.
Prop 3: VOTE YES
Okay, those Jamie Lee Curtis ads got to me a bit. Cute little kids singing a Beattle's song. Can't go wrong with that. But in all honesty, this wouldn't cost us anything since it is bond money (which is why I'm confused when the against people say it would). And Children's Hospital does some really fantastic things.
Prop 7: VOTE NO
It sounds great: renewable energy for all! But for starters, we are moving in that direction without this mandate. Actually, companies have until 2010 to do this anyway. Since it would make electricity more expensive, PG&E would monopolize the market and we'll end up spending hella money since the price for energy would be capped at today's inflated rate. So nah...
Prop 9: VOTE NO
This one is a bit misleading (what a surprise!). It says that victims of crimes will be notified when the person convicted of that crime is released or up for parole. Thing is, that already happens. So it would be more money, for what, exactly? I get that victims of crimes are forever scarred and this may be a helpful way to help with the healing, but we all have to understand that the criminal "justice" system is extremely flawed and we can't continue to punish people after they have served their punishment, assuming they even committed the crime they were locked up for.
Prop 10: VOTE YES
Let the Hybrid owners have a couple dollars back. Well, let us all be able to afford those things and other energy-efficient machines. And this doesn't cost us anything because it's all in bonds.
Prop 11: VOTE YES
Redistricting. Currently, state elected officials are allowed to form their own districts. So if I were running for state government (hint, hint), I would draw a cricle around Oakland, Berkeley, and Richmond. Much love and respect to Barbara Lee, but she isn't losing any time soon, especially since I just described her district. So Prop 11 creates a group of regular folks who will put that together.
And finally...
Prop 12: VOTE YES
This is bond money for veterans. Bonds don't cost us anything, for one. And, although I hate war, especially the pre-emptive kinds, I really think that the soldiers and veterans are treated like crap, even having to buy their own toilet paper while they are in combat. It's really interesting how folks are quick to deploy these guys and could care less about what happens to them when they are there and when they come back. So this is bond money for the veterans. Sounds good.
Sam Gomez At A Glance
2 years ago
nah homes, prop 10 was bad news. it gave only a couple thousand to the hybrid folks, and ten thousand to people who bought natural gas cars. natural gas is not a renewable resource, and if gangloads of people bought them, we'd need to spend tons of money putting in the natural gas stations. the dude who owns the rights to all our natural gas sponsored the proposition. so it's good it didn't pass.
thanks. I hella didn't even realize that piece. Good thing it didn't pass.
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