Add this to Webster or Rogets (and you only get a little bit at a time):
Negra-free Zone=most of San Francisco and Marin counties
ex: I have to hit up Bloomingdales in the Negra-Free Zone.
Celia Cruz Face=what Black women look like when we get our make-up done at mall counters (much love and respect to Celia Cruz though)
ex: I got Celia Cruz Face when I got my make-up done for a wedding.
Too Oprah=acting like money can change everything
ex: Magic Johnson is way too Oprah with Magic Fridays, Magic's Starbucks, and Magic's theater in Crenshaw.
Jolie-ified=trying too hard to be multi-cultural
ex: They Jolie-ified the party with lumpia, chips & salsa, and a samba band.
Don't Taze Me, Bro=ease up
ex: Person 1--You seem to enjoy eating a lot. Person 2--Don't taze me, bro! I have a high metabolism.
Michelle Obama=homegirl/road dog
ex: My Michelle Obama is the only one who told me I looked fat in those jeans.
Super-Size Me=over 6'5"
ex: I only want to date someone who is super size-me so I can wear heels sometimes.
Revolution!=Yes or I agree or see you later or hello or thank you or you're welcome; it means most anything and may now be televised
ex: The Lakers need to quit feeling sorry for themselves and get more than one decent player. Revolution!
Sam Gomez At A Glance
2 years ago
You know where I'm going here. Don't be mad because the shitty ass warriors don't have that one good player. Who do the warriors have anyway? You can't talk until the Warriors get a ring, or better yet actually are a threat in the playoffs - when was the last time that happened, like 1975? Revolution!
---- Lakers in 2009 (I guarantee it)/ Lakers 4 Life!!!!
Wow! Sounds like someone is mad at that poor showing in the finals this year. Yes, you all made it to the finals which is more than I can say for Golden State. I'll give you that.
Warriors in 2015!
vielka vernacular part II please
so -- at first i have to admit i was silently skeptical of this whole, "Vielka Blog" thing --- but this entry..this entry did it for me. i actually laughed out loud & read them to folks -- also, i feel that i can add some other vielka-isms that are missing that i've heard my whole life...i will get back to you...
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